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Soy Marycarmen Blanco (1)
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Mi historia
My story

I started writing this diary, to evaluate the changes, growth and healing of my son's marijuana use, which caused him a severe psychotic break and addiction to the drug.

Seeing ourselves unable to help him in his psychotic outbreak, we decided to admit him to a clinic specialized in drug addiction and alcoholism where he was hospitalized for 35 days, and then continued with a 10-month treatment in an extensive care home.

Realizing how much it helped me throughout the recovery process, I decided to publish it, to help other families who are in the same situation as us.

It has been a job that began on November 22, 2015. The cover photo, I took while I was going for a walk to be able to vent my emotions, so it has a lot of meaning for me, the title was suggested by several moms, who together We live with me, we accompany each other in this painful process.  And a great friend helped me in the edition of the book.

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La terapia dialéctica conductual (Dialectical Behavior Therapy – DBT) fue originalmente desarrollada durante los años 80 por Marsha M. Linehan para el tratamiento de pacientes con conductas suicidas, observando que la mayoría cumplía los criterios para el diagnóstico de trastorno límite de personalidad (TLP). La DBT es un buen ejemplo de la evolución de la terapia de conducta e incluye modificaciones específicas para adaptar el tratamiento a la complejidad del trastorno: incorpora estrategias de validación y de aceptación que se complementan con intervenciones orientadas al cambio, tratando de buscar el equilibrio entre ambos tipos de intervención desde la filosofía dialéctica. Respecto al manejo de la psicopatología, la terapia integra la adquisición de nuevas habilidades con aspectos motivacionales y con la aplicación y generalización de éstas al día a día de los pacientes. Con el fin de mantener a los terapeutas dentro del marco de la DBT así como para prevenir el “burnout”, el tratamiento hace énfasis en la cooperación entre terapeutas creando para ello un Equipo de Consulta específico.

Desde su desarrollo, la DBT ha sido adaptada a diferentes rangos de edad, categorías diagnósticas y dispositivos asistenciales, ya que ofrece una aproximación de tratamiento multi-componente, integradora y flexible. Existe evidencia empírica para la eficacia de la DBT en el tratamiento de otros trastornos relacionados con dificultades de regulación emocional así como síntomas específicos como por ejemplo autolesiones, ideación suicida, intentos de suicidio, síntomas de bulimia, depresión, abuso de sustancias (Haynos, Fruzzetti, Anderson, Briggs & Walenta, 2015). La DBT también muestra eficacia en el tratamiento de adolescentes con ideas suicidas (Pistorello, Fruzzetti, MacLane, Gallop & Iverson, 2012).

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Diploma in Addictions

Acquire theoretical-practical tools for the professional exercise of prevention and treatment of addictions.


Beyond Addiction

This program was designed for people seeking to have healthy habits, transform addictive patterns, for health professionals working in the field of addictions, and certified Kundalini Yoga teachers interested in teaching a yoga-based addiction recovery program.

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Whatever you want to achieve in your life, you need to know where you came from and where you want to go. You often lose your way because you don't know what is guiding you internally: is it your soul or your frustration?
In reality you are not a human seeking to be spiritual, you are a soul learning to be a human! Your soul comes with a precise purpose that requires certain learning so that it can manifest.
By completing this module you will be able to define what is the essence, teaching or purpose that you want to guide you to remind you who you are and where you want to go.

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Character education is an umbrella term loosely used to describe teaching children in a way that will help them develop in diverse ways such as moral, civic, good, polite, well-behaved, non-intimidating, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, conforming, or socially acceptable beings



Training to accompany people in their duels, losses, emotions, in a loving and compassionate way.

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A peer support specialist is someone who has personal experience recovering from mental illness, trauma, and/or addiction. A PSS has also received specialized training to provide peer support services:

  • Be confident that all of our interactions are based on ethics as peer support specialists;

  • Actively listen with empathy to their concerns;

  • I treat him with respect as an equal, without judging him, and believe in his potential;

  • Validate your strengths and support you in discovering your personal power;

  • Provide strength support, to help you find your own solutions;

  • Honor him as the best expert of your life;

  • Promote your recovery, resilience, and holistic health wellness;

  • Share parts of our story with the client when it can be useful;

  • Partner with the client to explore resources and additional support when needed;

  • Keeping hope for the client, even if, at times, you can't hope for yourself;

  • Respect trust in what you share, unless you indicate that you intend to harm yourself or someone else. In such a case, it will be necessary to obtain external support from a supervisor and another professional.

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This workshop is co-facilitated by WRAP® facilitators in a variety of formats and schedules, including 8-12 week WRAP groups, 2-3 day workshops, retreats, Webinar I: Introduction to WRAP, and the WRAP course. By correspondence. Participants in these workshops will learn how to develop their WRAP® as a personalized system to achieve their own wellness goals. These workshops are for anyone and can be applied to any self-directed wellness goal. For an introduction to WRAP® completed at your own pace and on your schedule.

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This training is designed for individuals looking to begin their journey as Peer Recovery Support Specialists or as Peer Recovery Trainers in the substance use field; or for those looking to learn how to relate better to those who suffer from Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This training provides 30 CE. Choices is a NAADAC approved provider.

Participants often include family members, law enforcement officers, first responders, social workers, community partners, policymakers, CASAs or GALs, or anyone who has been affected by or affected by SUD.

This training in its entirety represents 30 hours of CE and can be completed in four 8.5-hour days, five 7-hour days, or customized to a schedule that best suits your specific needs.

Peer recovery coaches possess powerful experiential knowledge that can help others initiate and sustain recovery. This course is designed to harness the power of experiential knowledge and combine it with research to provide the skills necessary to become an effective and ethical recovery coach.

Participants will gain a solid foundation of the roles of a Peer Recovery Coach and understand how the roles are different from other traditional and existing support methods. Participants will be introduced to the many concepts and skills involved in effective recovery training, preparing them for professional roles to serve their communities as peer support advocates.



The enneagram is the deep self-knowledge from which self-acceptance will be derived and which will serve as the basis for working on personal development. Being aware of the engines that move us to act and of our fears gives us a new vision of ourselves and opens up a world of possibilities in terms of our development.



Understand the person in a holistic way for their training, integrating each aspect and area through which they develop. It is about developing man and all men within its 6 areas that make it up (3 internal) and in which it develops (3 external), without any distinction.



Human development is one of the most versatile concepts of contemporary Humanistic Psychology. It can be understood from individual and social anthropological perspectives or it can be approached as an object of study of psychology and education. It can be considered an advanced period in the evolution of living beings or an identifiable chain of events in the lives of all men. It can be seen as the set of values promoted by humanistic psychology or as the goal of all educational processes. From a philosophical perspective, what favors the integrated human development of individuals, groups and society can be the criterion of ethics.



A mental habit is knowing how to behave intelligently.

A habit of mind is knowing what to do when we are unsure or unsure of the next step or when we DON'T know the answer.

A habit of mind means having a disposition to behave intelligently when faced with problems whose answers are not immediately known: contradictions, dilemmas, questions, and uncertainties.

My Book

My Son's Addiction, Pain, 




Mi Libro


Tiempo de leer

Marycarmen, I loved your book, thank you for sharing your experience as it helps me understand that our children choose their path and we can be there supporting them but we cannot live their lives or be responsible for their decisions.
They will experience and learn what they have to live according to the decisions they make.
Congratulations for the way you got through it together as a family.



Tiempo de leer

Marycarmen, I loved your book, thank you for sharing your experience as it helps me understand that our children choose their path and we can be there supporting them but we cannot live their lives or be responsible for their decisions.
They will experience and learn what they have to live according to the decisions they make.
Congratulations for the way you got through it together as a family.



Tiempo de leer

Marycarmen, I loved your book, thank you for sharing your experience as it helps me understand that our children choose their path and we can be there supporting them but we cannot live their lives or be responsible for their decisions.
They will experience and learn what they have to live according to the decisions they make.
Congratulations on how you got through this together as a family.


Forma de Envío

I am a freelance author


The book is available in format

Pocket Book and

electronic in


On the request button, it will take you directly to the amazon website where the book is for sale.

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Mis Servicos

Mis servicios

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